
MobiKash launches mobile merchant payment service in Kenya

MobiKash launches mobile merchant payment service in Kenya

MobiKash Afrika has unveiled a merchant payment service to deliver mobile money transactions in real time, making cashless transactions at the grassroots level a reality for thousands of Kenyans.

“Lipa Sasa Na MobiKash” will operate across all networks, banks and financial institutions as well as bill issuers, merchants and agents, and has been launched in partnership with Kenyan investment conglomerate the Foundation Enterprise Programme (FEP), which has bought a controlling stake in MobiKash Afrika.

Speaking during the launch MobiKash Afrika chief executive officer (CEO) Duncan Odour Otieno said the developments signalled a revamped strategy that will see MobiKash strengthen its presence and portfolio while offering tangible and innovative e-commerce solutions.

“Mobile money services, first introduced in Kenya in 2007, have completely revolutionised the business arena and unveiled a whole new world of possibilities. At MobiKash we remain committed to delivering practical solutions, geared towards making the wider Kenyan population access safe, reliable and efficient mobile money solutions,” said Otieno.

MobiKash is seeking to cash in on an expansive potential customer base, with 25.1 million Kenyans currently estimated to be subscribed to mobile services.

“With Lipa Sasa na MobiKash, merchants across Kenya will instantly gain access to a safe platform, drastically reducing risks of handling fake currency and theft. The system will also enhance efficiency by making it easy for merchants to manage their records better. For the first time in the world merchants are acquired free of charge to accept payments through the Lipa Sasa na MobiKash product,” Otieno said.

Kenyan Senate leader Ekwe Ethuro, also speaking at the function, lauded the government and regulator the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) for creating an enabling environment in which mobile money services could thrive.

“The CAK should make use of the universal service fund (USF) to roll out broadband to other areas so that mobile money services can be accessible to areas that have not benefited from the service before,” said Ethuro.

Posted in: FeaturedMobile

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