
Twitter hires Google executive

Twitter hires Google executive

Twitter has appointed a former Google advertising executive to lead its retail department in preparation for issuing its initial public offering (IPO).

HumanIPO reported earlier this month on analysts’ forecast about the performance of Twitter’s IPO once released on the stock exchange, which is due to take place by the end of next month.

According to Will Stickney, spokesman at Twitter, J.J. Hirschle will be responsible for selling advertising products, as reported by Bloomberg.

Hirschle, previously director of media and entertainment at Google, is scheduled to start his Twitter job on October 28.

Twitter plans of build up its advertising business, and is enlarging its team accordingly.

With an addition of 300 employees for the third quarter, its total staff now amounts to 2,300.

The social network is also negotiating to expand its headquarters in San Francisco.


Posted in: Social Media

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